met opera grant

Dennis was awarded an ed fund grant by the Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition. The award is given to select alumni who competed on a national level and who auditioned for the Metropolitan Opera’s Artistic Staff after demonstrating continuous progress and achievements. Dennis is a proud 2022 semifinalist and thrilled about the Met’s feature and support.

“Meet Dennis Chmelensky, Baritone, Education Fund Grant Recipient

Chmelensky was a 2022 Semifinalist and his favorite part of the Competition was the journey he experienced: “There was so much kindness and generosity at all the different stages, and I received so much encouragement and helpful advice. I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful people I met thanks to this competition, as well as for the long-lasting impact the Competition continues to have in my life.”

Dennis, who recently became a father, strives to be sincere and honest on stage, as he processes, digests, and channels experiences into his performances: “As life changes, I, as a performer, and my interpretations, change too. I find the endless possibilities of outcome in a live performance so thrilling as two performances will never be the same, even within the same framework, because of the humanity of everyone involved.”

Met Competition Education Grants have long been awarded to previous Semifinalists, Finalists, and Grand Finals Winners following an audition with the Met Artistic Staff. These grants are intended to support the development of these young artists and are made possible by the generosity of our trusted donors.

We’re excited to feature this series highlighting the many and continued achievements of Ed Fund Grantees!'“


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